Bodily injury and property damage liability coverage in Dallas

Here is another attractive auto insurance coverage in Dallas and that is the special coverage offered for your damages to body and property due to accidents or other emergencies on the road. The state of Texas had always been so much concerned with the lives of its people, thus its auto insurance companies have been introducing wonderful coverage policies. The bodily injury and property liability coverage in Dallas is also one of such policies.

What is bodily injury and property damage liability coverage in Dallas?

Liability means the responsibility; the auto insurance company has to pay as per the rules and regulations of the policy. Bodily injury refers to the damages of people caused by accident. Property damage refers to the damages of property caused by your accidents.

What is bodily injury liability insurance coverage?

This is also known as “bodily injury insurance”. It works when the accident caused by car causes of the bodily injury of any other person. This policy helps you whether it is a minor accident, serious injuries or the deaths caused by accidents.

What does it cover?

Following is the list of costs that are paid by the bodily injury insurance.

  • Medical expenses
  • Funeral costs
  • Costs of suffering and pain
  • Long-term nursing costs
  • Lost income due to work off

Pain and sufferings stand for the amount paid to emotional and physical stress caused by your injury in an accident.

The bodily injury insurance does not pay for the bodily injury of your own; it pays only for other victims of your accidents.

How to buy bodily injury liability insurance coverage?

Limit per person:

This is the maximum amount that your insurance company will pay for the single person injured by your accident.

Limit per accident:

The maximum amount your auto insurance company will pay for multiple people injured in an accident.

In some cases your bodily injury insurance policy is not sufficient to pay for the cost of injured people, and then you have to consult the lawsuits. The lawsuit keeps your asset, land, home etc in hand and pays for the costs of body injuries of the other people in your accident.

What is property damage liability insurance coverage?

This is the second part of bodily injury and property damage liability insurance coverage in Dallas. According to this policy, the costs of the damages of someone else’s property due to your accident are paid by your auto insurance company Texas. Mostly it pays for the damages of other’s car caused by your accident but it also helps to cover other property damages.

What does it cover?

It covers according to your amounts of coverage and the rules of your policy. Most commonly it covers the replacement of damaged vehicles and damaged personal property like house, fence etc.

But remember that it does not pay for the damages of your own vehicle or property caused by your won accident.

How to get this coverage?

It is not divided into per person and per accident limit like the bodily damage insurance policy. Rather it pays maximum per accident and that is decided by the amount of coverage paid by you. Different states have different rules and amount of coverage for this policy. Thus you must consult your state auto insurance advisor for the acquisition of this coverage.

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