The Most Expensive Cars to Insure for Teenagers

If you are a teenager and have recently learned driving, you must be aware that before you start driving you must obtain auto insurance. Usually teenagers are enrolled on their parents’ insurance card as secondary drivers. The basic reason for this is the fact that usually teenagers do not earn good enough to sustain themselves completely and are dependent on their parents for fulfilling their expenses. Parents are concerned about what insurance they would be paying for their insurance. The amount of premium charged to teenagers depends a lot on the car they drive. So you must be aware of the most expensive cars to insure for teenagers.

Generally speaking luxurious and sports cars are very expensive to insure. It might not be necessary that a particular sports car that is not expensive to purchase has low premium rate applied on it. If it has a huge rate of accidents associated with it, insurance for such car would be expensive. Apart from this, cars that are expensive to repair or consume a lot of engine energy they also charge high premium. Teenagers also tend to be choosy when it comes to buying car. They are more style conscious rather than economically savvy.

They want cars that look stylish, are speedy and have room for adding accessories and modifications. If their parents can afford to buy such expensive cars they would also have to pay high insurance premiums for these cars. An expensive car coupled with fast driving makes insurance for teenagers more expensive. The risk factor increases due to rash driving leading to high rates of accidents with teenagers. Such cars are rated as unsafe cars also making them expensive to insure. Another point to note here is that stylish and sports cars are also expensive to maintain and repair. This also is a reason why they are charged high premium.

The most expensive cars to insure for teenagers include Mercedes, S65 AMG convertible, the Dodge Viper, Maserati, Audi R8 and Nissan GT-R.  These power packed cars are extremely high performing, highly priced and very expensive to maintain cars. They are very expensive to replace so insurance companies don’t take chance with such cars and charge high rates of insurance.

On the other hand, if your car is being bought out of your parents’ pocket they would most probably be looking forward to buying an economically affordable car. It means a small car which is reasonable in price and is fuel efficient would be most likely to be bought. Not only it would be cheaper to maintain but also affordable to insure. As opposed to their teenage children, parent would be more concerned about the safety, economy, reliability and durability of the car. When it comes to inexpensive yet stylish car Honda Civic tops the list. Volkswagen Jetta is another inexpensive car which is quite safe and durable. Another Japanese car brand which gives style, comfort and economy good enough for teenagers is Toyota Corolla.

James Nick:
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